In India, Police stations have a designated area under their jurisdiction. It is headed by a station house officer (SHO) who may be the inspector or sub-inspector rank officer, assisted by an assistant sub-inspector, and a head constable. The number of personnel in a particular police station depends on many factors like area covered, population, topography, crime rate, sensitivity, important places, and others. In the Amritsar district, there are numerous police stations allocated to many villages and other factors.
If your Jurisdiction station is the Division C police station in the Amritsar district and needs help on any subject matter then you can dial 100, the national police helpline number, or contact the Amritsar Division C police station official number.
Amritsar Division C Police Station Contact Number
National Police Helpline → 100
Chief Ministers Anti Corruption Helpline → 9501 200 200
Vigilance Bureau Punjab → 1800-1800-1000 | 9041089685 Whatsapp | [email protected] (Email Complaint)
Amritsar Division C Police Station Contact → 97811-30203
Amritsar Division C Police Station Email → [email protected]
Amritsar Division C Police Station Address → Amritsar Division C Police Station, Ram Bagh, Amritsar, Jammu & Kashmir, India – 143001
If you feel that any of the officer is not taking appropriate action on your complaint in the police station then you can approach the Commissioner of Police (COP) Amritsar on the given contact detail +91 183-2227779, 97811-30282 or email at [email protected].