The Uttar Pradesh Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Uttar Pradesh Police is headed by the Director General of Police (DGP), who is the highest-ranking officer in the department. The Police is structured into various units and departments to carry out its functions effectively. These include the Provincial Police, Range Police, District Police, and Police Stations at the grassroots level. The police force is divided into several zones and ranges to ensure efficient administration and coordination.
The Uttar Pradesh Police is responsible for preventing and detecting crimes, maintaining public order, traffic management, crime investigation, and ensuring the safety and security of the citizens. It’s important to note that emergency helpline numbers like 100 are toll-free and should be used in case of emergencies only. For non-emergency inquiries or assistance, you can try contacting the Uttar Pradesh Police Headquarters or visit their official website for more information and specific contact details of different units or departments within the police force.
To contact the Uttar Pradesh Police, you can use the following contact information:
Emergency Helpline Numbers:
- Police Control Room: 100
- Women Helpline: 1090
- Child Helpline: 1098
- Senior Citizen Helpline: 1090
Additional Contact Numbers:
- Uttar Pradesh Police Headquarters: +91-522-2206104, +91-522-2206105
- Uttar Pradesh Police Website:
It’s important to note that emergency helpline numbers like 100 are toll-free and should be used in case of emergencies only. For non-emergency inquiries or assistance, you can try contacting the Uttar Pradesh Police Headquarters or visit their official website for more information and specific contact details of different units or departments within the police force.
Please keep in mind that contact information can change over time, so it’s advisable to verify the current contact details through official sources such as the Uttar Pradesh Police website or local government resources.